Sunday, April 03, 2011

Day 28 - A picture of something you're afraid of.

I couldn't decide if I was brave enough to post the above picture. Apparently I am. Are you really going to make me state what this means and why it is my deepest fear? There's probably some nueroses connected to the fear of drowning. All I know is, it scares me.

Which makes doing this feel a little impossible. I guess it's a little funny since a plane crashing in water probably has a softer landing than one crashing on land. But if you can't get out, what does it matter? You know that scene in The Abyss where they go to the nuclear submarine and they see the people still in there? I hate that part! And, somewhat ironically, I actually like that movie. I guess, for me, it is a thriller... as close to a horror movie as I'll ever get. Of course, my favorite part is how the characters relate to each other and the changes really deep true love can make in a person. But I digress.

Deep water and I are not friends.


aprilhoyt said...

I COMPLETELY agree!! I am so petrified of water. Even watching it on movies sometimes gives me a little panic attack. People talk about great cruises they've been on... I won't do that. ever.

Liz Jaquier said...

Again, we agree completely! Did ya see my blog post for this day's picture challenge? And I even took it a step further and added the fear of the stupid fish. I have panic attacks when stupid stuff hits my legs in the water when I wade in!! I can't do a cruise or fly over the water. Yep, definitely a scurvy landlover here! :)