Thursday, October 27, 2005

In order to "get" this post, you first must know that we have 3 girls and only 3 girls and that the middle one is named Emily and she is currently 3 years old. That being said, here is today's Emily-ism.

"Mom, remember when I was a little girl? And I was 6 years old? Me and my brother made Apple Butter. (I was making Apple Butter at the time) My brother is 10 years old and he is deaf. Yeah, he can't hear, so we use sign language."

Pretty great imagination, this one. :)

Wednesday, October 19, 2005


I recently discovered this phenomenon on the web called web logs. I find it fascinating to be able to write and share ideas with anybody and everybody and maybe make a connection that wouldn't otherwise be possible. Then along comes my superman husband and creates my very own place to speak my piece. I can imagine myself sitting under a cherry blossom laden tree spouting forth sonnets, but more likely it will be the ramblings of a lucky mother of three beautiful girls, one of which has multiple disabilities. I see it as a way to keep my sanity, or insanity, in check and to shout to the world that I'M OKAY! Welcome to my foray into life as I know it, or more accurately, life as I figure it out.