Thursday, June 04, 2009

I'm still here!

As you may or may not have noticed, I tend to have blog constipation. I wait and only write about the big stuff that happens. :D I guess you could say I have IBS... Irritable Blog Syndrome. But I so love reading other people's blogs about all the little day to day stuff, too. So, here is my offering of Ex-Lax (and my last unattractive metaphor!) and this post isn't about anything! :D

I have felt like I'm floating lately. I'm on a river, so I'm still going in some direction or another, but I don't feel like I am taking an active roll in propelling myself down the river. Pregnancy has really slowed me down, and not that it shouldn't, but my life seems to have only two speeds... really fast and really slow. The last weeks of school were insane! I ran around to 2 different schools to dance festivals and plays and delivering teacher gifts and all the while shuttling the littlest 2 in a 2-40 air conditioned van... 2-55 if I was really in a hurry! ;) And now that everybody's home I don't want to go anywhere, I don't want to do anything, I just want to sit with my feet in the kiddie pool and eat popsicles. :D

I have found, to my great surprise, that my kids can work with proper motivation and I'm not SO behind on housework as I was in previous weeks. They can be really quite charming if they are rewarded sufficiently and hopefully punished less. :D I am of course saying this after the "Bedroom Coup of the Beginning of the Week." Their room was a Disaster area with a very capital D! Clothes everywhere mingling dirty with clean, purses, necklaces, dollies, hair elastics... you name it and it was on the floor in there. And it happened much in the way a tornado does. It had been clean for what I'll call several weeks, but was really closer to a week and a half when all of a sudden the laundry bags exploded everywhere! It might have something to do with them breaking the PVC framework for the laundry sorter and the bags then slouching to the floor. After asking nicely and giving them helpful hints (why don't you pick up everything yellow first?) it wasn't getting any better, so I invaded! I kicked them outside to play and cleaned the room myself, stashing favorite books and toys and even a couple of clothing items in bags with their names on them. Since then they have had to earn back the things the invading army took by doing jobs for the general. :D Geoff and I decided that they'll do it until they get their most favorite stuff back and then they'll lose interest and then to D.I. will go the spoils of war. :D Some day it might even be their own idea to keep it clean! For now, they don't get read to at night unless everything is picked up and hopefully they'll get into a better routine.

I hate seizures! I don't even want to go into it, but I hate them so bad I can taste it in my mouth! :P Blech!!

I wish I had time to write! I've always said that if I made it a priority I could go all the way and love every minute of it. BUT I also know that if I did make it a priority, it would selfishly climb to the very top of the list and push out things like clean dishes and clean clothes and reading to my kids and walking to the park and cooking nutritious meals. And so, it sits comfortably under those things for now waiting for me to give it the time and focus it needs to really become something. Someday before I die, I hope for you to have a copy of a book on your bookshelf that I wrote and that you actually enjoyed reading. :)

So, here's to enjoying a paddleless canoe ride down a lazy river once in a while. Here's to letting things slide a little sometimes as long as I eventually get back in gear and get things done. Here's to kiddie pools and popsicles. And here's to motherhood not being perfect, but being memorable and fun and well worth the journey!


Grandma Turtle said...

As your Grandma used to tell me, and now I'm sharing it with you: There's a time and a season for everything. Try and enjoy the season of Child Rearing that you're in. Writing Season will come. :)

Colleen/Grandma/Mom said...

Great post, Diana! It was worth the wait! Back when we did Joy School with your cousins, we introduced them to Gunny Bag. Gunny Bag is definitely a relative of your house guest. The kids had to earn back anything of theirs that they wanted after Gunny visited. Sometimes, I would tell them, Gunny is coming in 15 minutes--and they would hurry and put away their favorite stuff. Like I told you earlier, I was never that great at inspiring work. I used to think it's harder to teach city kids to work than it is to teach farm kids to work. City kids can skip their jobs, and nobody suffers. It's hard to find work that's meaningful in the city. Keep on trying--and keep eating popsicles with the kids! That's what they'll remember best!

Burt Family said...

Ahh, I feel your pain of the tornado path bedroom. I have been using the blow up waterslide as my power to get things clean. So far it's working (keep fingers crossed).
I'm sooo sorry to hear Becca is still having seizures. Give her a big hug from me and tell her I love her very much, as I do all of you :)
Popsicles and my feet soaking in a kiddie pool sound wonderful, if only I could see my feet :)

aprilhoyt said...

I loved this!! And I'll agree, hears to life not being perfect, but fun and worth the ride!! and I wouldn't have it any other way!!

K said...

Yay for popsicles and kiddie pools! What a sweet gal you are, Diana. You really amaze me. I was just looking at your beccabug website, and I'm so impressed. I'll have to pass the word along. Thanks for being a good example of a tired pregnant lady. I'm telling you what, any "invading army" activity is tiring even when you're not pregnant! Hang in there, I love you.